
  1. Five O’clock Shadow Goes Forward - The Shave

    Picking up where we left off, you now have a face full of shaving cream, your stubble is super soft, and it’s time to get to the sharp end of business. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you need to go back and brush up on the Preparation for the art of the shave. At this point I would also like you to ask yourself, what kind of Read more...
  2. How to Shave With a Cut Throat Razor

    Cut-throat razors—also known by the far less menacing name of straight razors—can seem like an intimidating tool of choice for shaving. Rather than the more common handle and contained blade structure, a straight razor resembles a flick knife with one singular sharp blade that is used to glide across the skin and achieve an incredibly close Read more...
  3. A Round-up of the Best Double Edge Safety Razors

    Shaving with a safety razor is not only a great way to honour traditional shaving methods, but it also has a vast range of benefits for your skin, the quality of your shave and your bank balance. For good reason, double edge safety razors were used by men for decades before cartridge razors with disposable blades came into play. The single sharp Read more...
  4. Shaving Abroad: Can You Take Safety Razors on a Plane?

    Packing your bags and heading somewhere hot is the perfect way to escape from everyday life and put things on pause for a while. However, there are some aspects of our daily routines that we simply cannot escape from, and shaving is one of them. To keep up your grooming routine while abroad, it’s important to understand if you are allowed to take Read more...
  5. How Different Are Different Razor Blades?

    If you’re purchasing a double edge safety razor for the first time, you’ll have to choose which razor blades you want to use with it. When you discover the vast array of razor blades on offer, you might find yourself asking - how different are different razor blades? They can vary in price from 15-60p a blade, so how do you know which to get? This guide will help you to understand the difference between safety razor blades so you can choose the best one for you.

  6. How Long Do Safety Razor Blades Last?

    Safety razors are a fantastic alternative to disposable or cartridge razors. They provide a quality shave, are better for the environment and save you money, but how long do safety razor blades last? Discover answers to this and related questions below — including how much you’re likely to spend on safety razor blades...

  7. How To Care For Your Straight Razor

    It’s vital that you maintain and care for your straight razor properly to ensure you get that smooth and close shave you expect from this traditional form of shaving. If it’s blunt or rusty, it’s not good for anything!

  8. Keep Razor Blades Sharp

    Over time, all razor blades lose their sharpness, becoming dull and less effective. When this happens, you’ll need to change your blades or, if you’re using a disposable razor, replace your entire razor. It’s impossible to keep razor blades sharp forever, but there are some tips you can follow to keep them sharp for longer.


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