Heading off to university? There are some essentials you shouldn't be without. From skincare to stationary, discover The English Shaving Company's university checklist to make sure you have everything you need!
University Checklist
Wondering what to take to university? With everything from skincare to stationary, we have compiled the ultimate university checklist!
Congratulations, you did it. You are officially a University student! But, before you go, it’s worth creating a university checklist detailing everything you need to take with you to student halls and beyond. From kitchen crockery and cutlery, to towels, bedsheets, and bathroom basics - you’ll need to remember a lot of things. The English Shaving Company have got you covered with the essentials when packing for University.
1) Start as you mean to go on
It’s easy to miss out on a head-start amid all the excitement of moving to University, but you’ll soon reap the benefits of planning in advance. Check through all your documentation to ensure you have everything in order before the big move. Confirm your moving in date, course details, and first lecture times. This will help you avoid unnecessary stress at a later date when you could be out socialising with your new friends.
2) Buy bathroom basics
If you’re required to share a bathroom with your fellow students it can be challenging, especially if you have different standards of cleanliness! From towels and toothbrushes, to a dressing gown and shower shoes it’s worth the preparation.
3) Stock up on skincare
When you’re at University, the last thing you want is to spend a fortune on expensive skincare. If you’re strapped for cash and can only afford the basics, make sure you invest in these skincare must-haves.
Brighten the bags: Whether you’re up all night partying or cramming in some last-minute exam prep, you may find yourself sporting some dark circles around your eyes at one point or another. A good quality moisturiser and skin repair treatment will work wonders and brighten up your bags almost instantly. It won’t replace a good night’s sleep, but at least you can look like you’ve had one in those early morning lectures.
Care for your beard: No matter if you are a bushy-bearded man or prefer a simple stubbled look, if you have hair on your face the skin underneath will be affected. With beards perhaps more popular than ever, many students will be sporting one come term-time.
However, some men are missing a staple skincare routine. Here are two simple steps to maintain a brilliant beard while at University:
Use a facial wash to remove any dead skin cells from underneath your beard. If you have a long beard, you will need to focus more attention on this area as it is well hidden. Use a quality exfoliator to help scrub away any dead skin obscured by the facial fuzz.
Most guys recognise the importance of shampooing the hair on their heads; the same principles should also apply to your beard. Don’t pretend like you’ve never had food stuck in there. Get to grips with daily beard washing using a specialised beard wash to leave your beard feeling silky smooth.
Deal with blemishes: From hormones to regular student stress, a lot of things can affect your skin during your time at university. Unfortunately, this results in the odd spot or inflammation. The abrasive nature of a razor can often exacerbate any imperfections so be sure to use a post-shave balm to protect your skin. A blemish treatment can be applied in the evening to prevent further breakouts.
4) Make your halls a home
If you are living in halls, the chances are your room will be furnished. The basics should be included; a bed, desk, chair, and side table will be waiting for you - all you need to worry about is your personal belongings. Make your halls feel homely with things that remind you of your family home. For example, photos of close friends, nice bedding, stationery, and lighting can all make a pleasant difference to your University experience.
Start your University checklist today!
Do you need to stock up on supplies before moving to University? Or, perhaps you’re a parent looking to treat the student in your life? The English Shaving Company have a comprehensive range of desirable shaving products for men and women the world over.