A well-groomed beard can generate looks of respect and make a man look professional. There are many different styles of beard which will give you the right look for a work environment or a formal event. Beards can be grown and trimmed into different shapes and sizes - and some men will be able to grow fuller, thicker beards than others - but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of what you have!
To ensure you can create a professional beard when you need one, there are a number of steps you can take to reach that end goal. Here are some of the things to bear in mind when you need to bring a little extra professionalism to your look.
Every man’s facial hair will grow at a different rate, but it’s important to keep your beard at a length that is both comfortable and tidy. If your goal is to have a longer beard than most, then it’ll take a lot more upkeep than a shorter beard. If you are thinking about the longer length, then it’s important to be patient. Keep up with it and groom it correctly for better results.
When your beard has grown to a length you’re happy with, you need to learn how to trim and shave it properly. Trim your beard too high and you’ll create a disproportionate look, not enough and you can begin to look scruffy. You’ll need to find the right balance by finding your neckline and using this as a guideline when trimming or shaving your beard to keep your look sharp and professional.
Getting a smooth, sleek beard doesn’t just happen by accident. Without a proper grooming routine, creating a professional beard is impossible. Washing your beard the right way will help you towards this goal - simply ensure regular washing is included in your usual routine and your beard hairs will be tame in no time. Use a quality beard wash when showering and pat it dry using a towel.
Simply washing your beard is not enough to keep it straight and soft. For even more control of your facial hair, you should look to condition your beard hairs. A beard conditioner with natural ingredients is kinder to your skin and beard hairs - it will keep them soft to the touch and easier to handle when styling.
Using a quality beard wax or beard oil can keep your facial hair looking tidy throughout the day. With a quality styling product, you can really personalise your look whilst keeping it in place. Great products can also keep your beard healthy and nourished. In between styling, it’s a good idea to comb your beard if it is particularly long to keep it looking clean and tidy without knots or kinks.
There is no set style when it comes to a professional beard. Personal preference plays a big part and as long as you keep on top of it, almost any style can be honed for a formal occasion. Keep this information in mind if you’re looking for something new or something a little different to your current style.
A full beard that is trimmed to perfection is a popular choice and gives a perfectly rounded look. A beard like this can also say a lot about your personality. Your colleagues and other professionals will see you as patient and confident if you sport a style like this!
This is a very easy-to-maintain choice. The beard is kept short, covering the chin and extending to the sideburn. Usually, a matching hairstyle will complement this look, one with short back and sides. If you’re very busy, this style can help you save time not only on washing, but styling too.
Using these two styles as a guide will enable you to create a unique look to suit your personal preferences.
If you’re looking for beard care products to keep your facial hair in check, look no further than our range. Browse our beard shaving sets, aftershaves and accessories to create the ultimate professional beard.