In 1905, Captain Peabody Fawcett, the intrepid Edwardian explorer, disappeared whilst attempting to navigate to the source of the Ubangi, a major tributary to the Congo River. No trace was ever found of his expedition... until that is, in 1997, an old, battered trunk purchased at a house clearance sale was taken home and its locks forced. Incredibly, amongst its decaying contents was an exquisite dressing case containing salves, ointments and the missing adventurer’s long-lost journals, which meticulously detailed lists of exotic ingredients for use in his very own grooming requisites. These precise formulae have been faithfully followed and Fawcett’s original potions, along with his world-renowned Moustache Wax are now available to the discerning gentleman for the first time in over a century.*
*May or may not be 100% historically accurate.